Thursday, April 14, 2011

New website!

My new personal website is up! Go on and check it out!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Joaquin Phoenix (Crazy mode)

This is my last assignment for my illustration class call "Notorious". We were suppose to do a dead on celebrity portrait on someone who is..... Ballsy, as my instructor puts it. So I picked Joaquin Phoenix during his crazy period. Because now we all know it was all just an act. It wasn't a short act either, he took at least 2 years to convince everyone that he snapped and made a movie about it and EVERYONE thought he was nuts. THAT is an artist dedicating to his craft, so I painted him during the most interesting moments of his career up till now.


Amy "the crack hoe" Winehouse.

Originally, I was gonna make her so grotesque, that it's awesome. We all know what a ridiculous mess Amy Winehouse is/was. But my instructor told me to go the opposite, he wants me to make her actually attractive, instead of hideous, since it is very over done. So I tried. You'll be the judge to say whether she ends up looking alright in this one.

Medium: Watercolor.

Mr. Kenny West

A piece of illustration on Mr. Kanye West's 808 & Heartbreak. It's meant to be a mock up for Rolling Stone magazine album review. For those of you who know what an 808 is will probably understand what the electric board background is all about.

Meduim: Acrylic ink.


This is a illustration for one of my favorite movie, the awesomely awesome Memento by Christopher Nolan. The idea is to show how the main character is turning into nothing by pieces of polaroid memories that he can no longer keep track of.

Medium: Watercolor.

Iphone zombie!!

This is a piece that I did to for one of my class. Yes, it is on those people who seems to never get off their flipping iphones.

Medium: Watercolor, ink.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


This is a cover that I did for one of Cold Plays' first debut song "Trouble". This is one of my personal favorites by them. It never fails to make me feel really really really really really depressed. Nothing says a great song more than how shitty it can make you feel on a rainy day. lol.

Medium: Watercolor, acrylic ink, graphite.

New Tattoo series!

This is another series on people who carries ink on them. I've always had an obsession on tattoos, so I love documenting people who have wonderful ink work done on them. The first one up top with the Japanese styled tattoo is an actual tattoo artist that works on Mel-rose, he specializes in oriental styled work. The second one is my schoolmate Patrick, I thought his tattoos where very interesting because it really speaks about his Los Angeles latino heritage.

Medium: Watercolor.

Chibi cult recruiter!

This the second prototype toy for my personal campaign. There's also a poster that goes along with the toy, meant for public campaign. He is my little cult recruiter that is going to make you join my cause! :D

Cardboard demon head!!

This was a project I did for a somewhat fine art class. It is a demon head that is heavily influenced by asian mythologies. It is made entirely out of cardboard and than finished with spray paint.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pink Buddy!!

This project was for us to do illustration on a 3 dimensional object. So I created a prototype toy to paint on. It is made out of a type of heavy duty foam, after layers of coating, than painted on with acrylic.

Artist brand packaging.

This project was for us to create the packaging for our own artist edition product. I've been wanting to create something like this for my personal brand that's in the process of making. So I took the opportunity to create a toy box for the vinyl toys that I'm going to be making. The images are silkscreen onto cardboards, than I cut them out and constructed them into pyramid shaped boxes.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Cover for scholarship book.

I did this silkscreen print as the cover for the book I'm making for scholarship.

The Boy who sees.

Here's a personal piece that I did just for fun. For those of you who have seen my previous works would most likely get the whole eye in the hand symbolism.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the little watchmen. Part 3

.......... end.

The little watchmen. Part 2


The little watchmen. Part 1

This is a self promo project I did for my illustration for publishing class. So I did 6 characters for each of the letter for BEHOLD. It is meant to show my personal illustrative style. I'm planning to either hand them out as individual cards or as an entire poster. Hope yall like it!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

New silkscreen stuff.

I got around to do the latest hand design in silkscreen sooner than I thought.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Print work for Behold!!

Here's a new digital print work that I did for Behold. I'm also going to do this in silkscreen....... Eventually.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Behold Stickers.

This is the first batch of ideas for my Behold stickers. I'm planning to put these up in all the major cities that I visit. I'm picking out 2 colors to put into print as of right now. Let me know which one you like the most.